The capital of Egypt is Cairo. It borders the Mediterranean Sea, Israel, the Red Sea, Sudan and Libya. The official language is Arabic and the official religion is Muslim. The professes between 82 and 93% of the population, while Christians are only 6 and 17%.
- The visa is a mandatory document to enter the country.
- Inform your friends and family about your travel itineraries.
- Always carry a copy of your passport and identification with you and keep an electronic copy of them.
- Be aware of messages from the Mexican Embassy in Egypt.
- Avoid dangerous regions of the country such as northern Sinai.
- Egyptians are used to haggling over everything, so you'll have to investigate the prices so you don't get ripped off.
- Always carry a first aid kit and don't forget the antidiarrheal drugs, medicines for nausea and dizziness.
- Carry a good repellent especially if you go on a cruise on the Nile.
- Check well in which places you can take pictures as they may charge you for it or it is completely forbidden.
Yellow fever vaccine is requested only if the traveler is from a country at risk of disease or where it is endemic. The following vaccines are recommended:
- Hepatitis A and B
- Typhoid fever
- Tetanus and diphtheria
The risk of malaria is minimal.